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Article, CASE Critique 

Net neutrality is the principle or regulation that ensures that everyone has access all the information and contents that any websites that provides without any limitation or restriction from the internet service providers. Without Net Neutrality internet service providers can limit access to the websites or services that they choose while promoting the services that they own or support or even get paid from. Having Net Neutrality ensures equal chances to all companies to control the level of its presence on the web without permission or authorization of internet service providers.   Read Here

"Net Neutrality"

“IT Doesn’t Matter”

In the article, Carr suggested that Information Technologies losing its value as a strategic asset and becoming a commodity. Overall, it’s not easy to agree with the author over his statements regarding IT losing its value and expenditures on it would result in penalties.

SYSCO was planning to use BI tool to analyze its historical data as well as to create predictive analysis. So, SYSCO would be able to decide its future sales and estimate how likely to lose the customers and able to understand what cause to lose the customer. BI tolls I was able to create custom reports that shows me the items are low in quantity or the best-selling items that needs to be ordered. Historical data from previous years was also helping us to predict sales or needs of the stores for the busy seasons such as national holidays. Even for small businesses BI is highly important and for the companies such as SYSCO it has critical importance to coordinate daily operations.


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